© 2010 Frederik Rieckher


Here you can find INFORMATION about ME.

My name is Frederik Rieckher and I am 25 years old.

I have completed my “Bachelor honours of arts and multimedia” and my Master for
“Media Direction” at the “University of Applied Sciences” in Darmstadt, Germany.

Soul-Patron was produced by me for my  master degree. The website, the videos, sound and content are produced by me in a time frame of five months. As I used a lot of music and content produced by other please open the Impressum to see who they are.

.My emphases in the digital world are:
Photography, 2D/3D Animation, Compositioning, Mattepainting, Web Design, Video/Audio Editing, Concept Development and Print.

.My motivation

Producing Media gives you the
unique opportunity to express yourself.

By creating Design and Content you can
communicate to people.

But producing media means a lot of inventing and
redoing your own work.
So you often spend five hours until you realize that you have to start all over, just because you found a better idea while working, or a better script by coding.

.My major software skills:
3Ds Max, Maya, RealFlow, Vray, zBrush, Mudbox, Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, AfterEffects, Premiere, Avid, InDesign, Office

Script Languages (basic to average knowledge):
Html, CSS, ActionScript, PHP, mySQL, Java, Ajax

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